Chris Gipson | Reader’s Digest: Extinguishing Kleos in Lykophron’s Alexandra
Dodd 248/Zoom; 12-1. All welcome! Hercules rescuing Hesione from a sea-monster. Engraving by B. Picart after C. Le Brun.
Dodd 248/Zoom; 12-1. All welcome! Hercules rescuing Hesione from a sea-monster. Engraving by B. Picart after C. Le Brun.
Chris Whitton will give a Brownbag talk on April 3rd from 12 PM to 1 PM in Dodd 248. All welcome!
Departmental Brownbag Workshop Professor Adriana Vazquez: “Reading Latin Subtexts in the Vernacular Poetry of the Brazilian Colonial Period” In his contribution to the 2020 volume Conversations: Classical Imitation in Renaissance Literature, Stephen Hinds, analyzing the parallel Latin and vernacular poems of Marvell and Milton, concludes by offering the provocative suggestion of the ‘virtual diptych’: for...