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Dan-el Padilla Peralta | Classicism and other phobias: offense and defense

This talk will outline the contents of a newly drafted book manuscript that queries the relationship(s) between classicism, understood as a system of aesthetic determination and calibration that is not necessarily reducible to or coterminous with classics, and Black life. The main argument is that classics has been overrepresented as if it is or should be...

The Joan Palevsky Chair of Classics Inaugural Lecture, Mon. Oct. 16

Royce Hall 314 10745 Dickson Plaza, Los Angeles, CA

The UCLA Department of Classics Presents The Joan Palevsky Chair of Classics Inaugural Lecture on Monday, October 16, 2023 Professor Kathryn Morgan will present her talk entitled Projecting the Past: Plato's Historical Imagination in Royce 314 at 5:45 PM. Please join us for a reception prior to the lecture in Royce 306 at 5 PM. ...

Navied Mahdavian | A Careers After Classics Lecture Series Talk

Dodd 248

The UCLA Department of Classics presents A Careers After Classics Lecture Series featuring New Yorker Cartoonist Navied Mahdavian who will be speaking about his new book "This Country" His talk will be at 12 PM on Monday, Oct. 23 in Dodd 248. All are welcome!

Vinzenz Brinkmann and Ulrike Koch-Brinkmann | Filling The Gap: New Considerations of the East Pediment of the Athenian Parthenon

Dodd 247

Filling The Gap: New Considerations of the East Pediment of the Athenian Parthenon From the ancient writer Pausanias, we learn that the east pediment of the Athenian Parthenon depicted the birth of Athena. However, the figures in the center of the pediment were probably destroyed as early as in early Christian times, and for more...

Emilio Capettini | “The Dolphine-Haunted Artifacts of Dimmed Atlantis”: Evocations of Graeco-Roman Antiquity during the HIV/AIDS Crisis

Dodd 248

The UCLA Department of Classics and the UCLA Stavros Niarchos Foundation Center for the Study of Hellenic Culture present a Reception of Hellenic Culture Lecture Series featuring Emilio Capettini (Professor, UC Santa Barbara) on Wednesday, November 15 at 5 PM  The lecture entitled "The Dolphine-Haunted Artifacts of Dimmed Atlantis": Evocations of Graeco-Roman Antiquity during the...