“Steppe-ing stones: Jason and the Argonauts, Ovid, and Russophone Place-making around the Black Sea” | Lara Fabian
*There is a password on this account; please contact sshapiro@humnet.ucla.edu if you need the password.
*There is a password on this account; please contact sshapiro@humnet.ucla.edu if you need the password.
Please join us for a casual conversation led by 51b’s TA Carly Pope on Friday, March 12th at 3PM via Zoom. Using the example of Rome's 'eighth hill', this session will examine the kinds of data pottery convey, how they were made, used, and discarded, as well as what they can tell us about trade. To conclude the...
Link to Handout There is a password on this Zoom meeting; please contact sshapiro@humnet.ucla.edu if you need the password. Zoom Link: https://ucla.zoom.us/j/92119103392?pwd=d05MSEt4NTlVOEJRdXQySGxmV2wzdz09