Romain Brethes

Romain Brethes is Associate Professor of Classics and Classical Humanities at SciencesPo and Janson-de-Sailly College in Paris, and Associate Member of the CNRS research team AnHiMa (Anthropologie et Histoire des Mondes Anciens UMR 8210, formerly Centre Louis Gernet). He earned his PHD in Classics from Paris-IV Sorbonne University in 2004. His topic interests include Greek and Latin Novels, Latin Elegy, Sexuality and Gender, and he wrote several books and articles, mostly De l’idéalisme au réalisme. Une Etude du comique dans le roman grec (Helios, Salerno, 2007) and Celebriti (Les Belles Lettres, Paris, 2010). He recently supervised a new French edition and translation of Greek and Latin Novels for Les Belles Lettres (Romans grecs et latins, Paris, 2016) and he is currently writing a forthcoming book on Greek polytheism (La Vraie vie des dieux grecs) for Les Editions du Cerf (Paris). He has already been Visiting at UCLA in 2014 and 2018. During Spring 2023, he will work on his Habilitation à diriger des recherches (HDR) with Professors Alex Purves, Francesca Martelli and Giulia Sissa about a Comparative Phenomenology of Senses and Sensuality in Greek Novels and Ovidian Elegy.